Select a square to change its color
Stone colored cells are locked and cannot be clicked
When 4 or more adjacent squares share the same color, they disappear
Win the level when 3 or fewer color squares remain
The squares collapse down first, then left
You only get 6 moves per level
and only 3 chances to complete all 5 levels!
If you're stuck, press the restart icon
5 levels with 3 lives
Gameplay with increasing difficulty
Fifty(Currently Playing):
50 levels per day, unlimited lives!
Endless Mode:
Unlimited levels coming soon...
Enable Dark Mode
Highest Level
Longest Path
Best Path
Moves Left
Total Moves
Squares Left
Standby, user preferences
and grid are loading...
Would you like to restart the entire game or just this level?
Are you sure you want to start from level 1?
You finished the game with X squares remaining and Y turns left!